About us

At Chanakya Defence Foundation, we understand a truth often overlooked: our soldiers’ profound sacrifices. These brave men and women, guardians of our fundamental rights—freedom, justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity—shield us and our nation, often risking much personally. Yet, we don’t always support their dedication adequately, both during and after their service. Our mission arises from this gap—a commitment to actively serve those who protect us.

We founded our organization with one goal: empowering our soldiers to serve our country more effectively. We recognize the varied challenges our soldiers face. Addressing these issues completely may be ambitious, but we start by equipping them with advanced knowledge, technology, and resources, and ensuring we use our country’s funds responsibly.

Our approach relies on merit-based team selection, emphasizing high ethical standards, moral integrity, and an unbiased, apolitical stance. Esteemed veterans from various defence forces, academia, the private sector, and, hopefully, government bureaucracy guide us. Their collective expertise helps us overcome the complex systems that often delay adopting necessary technologies and equipment, ensuring our soldiers have the most current and effective resources.

We acknowledge the bureaucracy and corruption that can impede progress. Our team, led by veterans, will work tirelessly for current, efficient knowledge, technology, and equipment procurement. Our private sector partnership is key here, ensuring timely, cost-effective equipment delivery.

Chanakya Defence is more than an organization; it’s a foundation fostering collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies. We commit to understanding and voicing our soldiers’ critical needs, finding viable solutions, and working with the private sector to meet these challenges effectively.

Looking forward, we aim to assist soldiers with post-retirement life, support their families, and ensure their deserved quality of life.

We invite you to join this noble cause, helping us build a resilient organization with clear, pure objectives. Together, let’s honor our soldiers and their sacrifices.