
Major Somnath Sharma, a name synonymous with unparalleled bravery and sacrifice, etched his name in history as the first recipient of the Param Vir Chakra, India’s highest military decoration for valour. His heroic deeds during the 1947 Indo-Pak war not only demonstrated his fearless leadership but also set an extraordinary example for generations of soldiers.

Born on January 31, 1923, Sharma belonged to a distinguished military family. His career in the Indian Army was marked by his passionate commitment to his nation and his profession. Serving in the 4th Kumaon Regiment, his valour became legendary during the defence of the Srinagar Airport in the first war with Pakistan in 1947.

The battle that led to his posthumous Param Vir Chakra occurred in Badgam, Kashmir, on November 3, 1947. Despite having his left arm in a plaster cast due to a previous injury, Sharma insisted on being on the front lines with his men. The battle was fierce; his company was tasked with blocking the advance of Pakistani tribal raiders. Surrounded and heavily outnumbered, the situation was dire. Yet, Sharma’s leadership shone brightest under these testing conditions.

His company faced a massive assault, but Sharma, with exceptional courage, rallied his troops, moving from post to post under heavy fire. His actions were not just about leading the fight but also inspiring his men to hold their ground against overwhelming odds. He was seen filling magazines and handing them to his riflemen even as the battle raged.

The intensity of the conflict grew, and Sharma’s company suffered heavy casualties. His last message to the Brigade Headquarters, moments before his death, underscored his resolve, “The enemy is only 50 yards from us. We are heavily outnumbered. We are under devastating fire. I shall not withdraw an inch but will fight to our last man and our last round.” Soon after, he was killed by an exploding shell.

Major Somnath Sharma’s sacrifice turned the tide of the battle. His extraordinary bravery and leadership not only saved Srinagar airport from falling into enemy hands but also provided a significant psychological advantage to the Indian forces.

Today, Major Somnath Sharma is remembered as a hero who epitomized the very best of military virtues – courage under fire, leadership in adversity, and the willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country. His story continues to inspire soldiers and civilians alike, serving as a timeless reminder of the valour and sacrifice of those who protect our nation.

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