
Subedar Karam Singh, an esteemed soldier in the annals of the Indian Army, stands tall as a symbol of unmatched courage and patriotism. He was the first living recipient of the Param Vir Chakra, India’s highest military decoration for valour. His story of bravery during the Indo-Pak war of 1948 is not just a tale of military heroism but a testament to the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.

Born in Sehna village, Punjab, Singh’s journey in the army was marked by a series of exemplary acts of bravery. His most notable act of valour occurred on October 13, 1948, during the battle to reclaim Richhmar Gali in the Jammu and Kashmir regions. This encounter with the enemy was one of the fiercest in the annals of Indian military history, showcasing Singh’s extraordinary courage under fire.

The battle began with intense firing from the Pakistani forces, aimed at recapturing the strategic point held by the Indian Army. The relentless assault was so severe that it decimated most of the bunkers, severing communication lines and leaving Singh and his men isolated. Despite being severely injured, Singh refused to retreat or show any signs of weakness.

With his unit low on ammunition and manpower, Singh’s leadership and courage were put to the ultimate test. He skillfully manoeuvred his remaining men, encouraging and inspiring them to stand firm against the overwhelming odds. In a daring display of bravery, when the enemy soldiers breached their defences, Singh jumped out of his trench, engaging the intruders in close combat and killing two of them, turning the tide of the battle.

Singh’s valiant actions not only saved his post but also significantly demoralized the enemy, forcing them to withdraw. His unwavering determination and bravery under intense enemy fire exemplified the highest traditions of the Indian Army and the spirit of selfless service.

Subedar Karam Singh’s legacy transcends his battlefield heroics. He became a source of inspiration for soldiers and a symbol of the courage and resilience that defines the ethos of the Indian military. His life story continues to inspire future generations, reminding us of the sacrifices made by soldiers in the defense of their nation and the values of bravery, determination, and loyalty that they embody.

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